Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main: 01155

Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main: 01155
Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main: 01155
Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main: 01155


Object description
This information was provided by the German museum where the object is currently located or where it was located prior to restitution.

Object Name Plaque, house ornament
Description Plaque with depiction of a fan, 2 rosettes, on the background blossoms and punctuations. "Considering the time at which the plaques were made - and this one may be datable to c. 1600 - the technique of making a fan has remained the same to the present day." (Dark p. 107) "Olokun designs, found on plaques ... ebe-ame (River leaf) ... owen iba ede ku (the sun never misses a day). ... The quatrefoil represents river leaves which are used by Olokun priestesses in curing rites." (Ben Amos 1980: 28f) LIT Dark 1973: An introduction to Benin art and technology. Abb. 186 Ben Amos 1980: The art of Benin. London Pitt Rivers Cat. Pl. XLII, 323
Type Part (Building)
Materials Brass casting/yellow casting; Brass with high zinc content, very low tin content, slightly increased lead content
Size, Dimensions Length: 58 cm; Width: 38.1 cm
Dating of Object

Museum / Collection / Acquisition
This information was provided by the German museum where the object is currently located or where it was located prior to restitution.

Museum Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Museum Inv.-No 01155
Acquisition date
Circumstances of acquisition - […]: Unknown
- 1905/1906: Städtisches Völkermuseum, Frankfurt;
Acquisition from unknown

Current ownership status and location

Date of last status change
Current ownership
Holding institution
Current location

Categorization for the search functions
This information was included by the German Contact Point for Collections from Colonial Contexts and is intended to make the object easier to find in the database.

Object Type relief
Materials metal; brass


ID 1177
last Change 2022-02-03 11:42:17
License Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main